Do we need to know all this?

This question should ask himself any serious researcher for the truth, do we need to know all these similarities between the two faiths of Christianity and pagan, we are talking on one of the sects in this research is Buddhism?In fact, we do not need is all these similarities You may reach us to the degree of congruence,Once exposed us to the basic structure and on which to build the Christian faith,Even We know that this belief Were not the result of this religion at all, but the result of a pagan heritage and already Christ peace be upon him and Attributed to him of Centuries Can not be confirmed these beliefs as it was before Because this is contrary to the Christian faith, which believes that human nature BC,Were not to accept the Christian religion and beliefs of the inadequacy of the human mind which was in the boot stage of the New Testament.We will review the currently Most important of these doctrines And submitted to us by researchers from the facts based on a book pagan beliefs in the Christian Religion