مازلنا نتابع الطرق على رأس الخروف:bangin:

الكل تأكد الآن( اما من المصارد البوذيه واما من النحوت القديمه )ان عبادة بوذا ( الماهيانا ) كانت قبل الميلاد

ونعيد عرض الصوره مره آخر للتأكيد

Naga Erapata Worshipping Buddha:
Bharhut, Early 1st century BC.

الوهيـــــة بوذا

يقول عابد الشاذ شنوده


الألوهية في البوذية !

يكفيني " بوكس " واحد فقط على عينك اليمنى ... لاجعلك تعانق الارض ..


Mahayana and Theravada
Now, what is the difference between Mahayana and Theravada?
I have studied Mahayana for many years and the more I study it, the more I find there is hardly any difference between Theravada and Mahayana with regard to the fundamental teachings.
- Both accept Sakyamuni Buddha as the Teacher.
- The Four Noble Truths are exactly the same in both schools.
- The Eightfold Path is exactly the same in both schools.
- The Paticca-samuppada or the Dependent Origination is the same in both schools.
- Both rejected the idea of a supreme being who created and governed this world.- Both accept Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta and Sila, Samadhi, Panna without any difference.
These are the most important teachings of the Buddha and they are all accepted by both schools without question.
احبائي القراء ..#############

فالكاتب للبحث الذي ينقله شارب البول ... يذكر نقاط التلاقي بين المذهبين البوذيين الــ Mahayana و الـــ Theravada ...

و هذه اصابت الصلاعم بمقتل لأنه يذكر بأن احد نقاط التلاقي هو انكار اي اثر للالوهية :

Both rejected the idea of a supreme being who created and governed this world

من ذات الموقع الذي استشهدت به ...

اذن فكرة القوة الكائنة التي خلقت وتحكمت بالعالم اي ( الالوهية ) هي مرفوضة ومنبوذة من كلا الطرفين الــ Mahayana و الـــ Theravada ..!!!

بوكس جعلك تترنح ..

انتظرونا .... راح نمسحهم مسح ...</b>

آآآه يا عينى .. البوكس كان قوى جدا بصراحه :(

سبحان الله .. البابلى وامثاله ليست الا مخلوقات تتلذذ وهى تُصفع وتُهان ويُبصق على وجهها .. غاوى مرمطه زى يسوع .. فعلا (ويخلق ما لا تعلمون)

انا بصراحه ايدى وجعتنى من صفع هذا الحلوف

مفيش مداخله له الا وكلها اخطاء وينقلب فيها السحر على الساحر .. تعبت بجد .. انا مش فاهم بصراحه ازاى واحد مُدلس كذاب حمار جاهل غبى زى ده ومُعين مشرف هناك :huh:

يدعى ان الماهينا لا تؤله بوذا .. طب اتفضل

'Mahayana Buddhism is not only intellectual, but also it is devotional ... in Mahayana, Buddha was taken as God, as Supreme Reality itself that descended on the earth in human form for the good of mankind. The concept of Buddha (as equal to God in theistic systems) was never as a creator but as Divine Love that out of compassion (karuna) embodied itself in human form to uplift suffering humanity. He was worshipped with fervent devotion... He represents the Absolute (paramartha satya), devoid of all plurality (sarva-prapancanta-vinirmukta) and has no beginning, middle and end ... Buddha ... is eternal, immutable ... As such He represents Dharmakaya.'


عايز موقع تانى .. اتفضل

Mahayana thought treats him as a manifestation of a divine being. This view was formalized as the doctrine of the threefold nature, or triple body (trikaya), of the Buddha. The Buddha's three bodies are known as the body of essence (dharmakaya), the sum of the spiritual qualities that make him Buddha; the body of communal bliss, or enjoyment body (sambhoga-kaya), a godlike form revealed to the Mahayana initiate during contemplation; and the body of transformation (nirmana-kaya),


اعمل ايه انا دلوقتى .. بوذا الله الظاهر فى الجسد بثلاث طباع ( الثالوث)

عايز موقع تانى ... اتفضل

These Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were thought to be filled with compassion and with certain abilities and powers to help those who asked for it. One of the chief features of Mahayana Buddhism is its devotional quality, consisting of the worship of and prayers to these celestial Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.


عايز موقع تانى اتفضل

the doctrines of Mahayana Buddhism are contradictory to Hinayana Buddhism and according to Mahayana Buddhism there is a God who created the world and Buddha was deified.

اعمل ايه تانى طيب ؟!

يا جحش الفرا ان لم تكن الماهيانا هى من الهت بوذا فمن الذى آلهه ؟!
ام انك تُكذب الفار بسيط حين قال ان البوذيين قاموا بتأليه بوذا

الله يخرب بيت غبائك

Naga Erapata Worshipping Buddha:
Bharhut, Early 1st century BC.

وتفتكر الناس دى كانت بتعمل ايه قبل الميلاد ؟! :36_1_39:

نتابع سحق عابد الانسان وفى جعبتنا الكثير asas: