
During this my research I stood in the search for one of the followers of the facts In the title of the sixteen dedicated How many were similar to the beliefs of those who believe their Christian beliefs in Christ, peace be upon him,He was acquitted of them Did was Buddha Savior of men And redeemer to them?This answer will be answered by the Buddha himself...
"I suffered persecution , imprisonment and death and murder Of patience, Great love to bring happiness to people, and you forgave the offenders. "

The Buddha followers called Buddha , the great physician,
, And the Savior of the world, And Christ only begotten, And other names - as we'll explain later - and that he introduced himself as a sacrifice To expiate the sins of human beings,, And makes them the heirs of the kingdom of heaven,His birth and leave all his glory in the world To save people from misery and suffering as a vow "(1) (Hawke) said: "The Buddha - in the eyes of Buddhists - man and God together,And that it he embodies the Divinity in this world to guide people and sacrifice his soul to them,He shows them Road safety This incarnation of the theological Buddhists believe all
Max Muller said: "Buddhists claim that the Buddha said:Leave all the sins Perpetrated in this world Lies on me,In order to save the world

The mark Williams has said: "The Indians say: It is mercy,( the Buddha) left to paradise,He came to this world for the sins of human beings,; To free them from their sins, and removes them the punishment which they deserve "(4)

If this is the Buddhist belief in the Lord and They preceded the Christians In this centuries.well
OK Can we say that this belief, which is the second largest beliefs Based upon the Christian faith is taken from the pagan religion?"With the reservation of the term religion?!"