المسلمون اكثر الناس قياما بالاعمال

المسلمون اكثر الناس قياما بالاعمال

دراسة استطلاعية بامريكا :المسلمون اكثر الناس قياما بالاعمال الخيرية ودفعا للصدقات فى المملكة المتحدة المسلمون اكثر الناس قياما بالاعمال

المسلمون اكثر الناس قياما بالاعمال

Muslims give more to charity than other religious groups, new research suggests.

At almost £371 each, Muslims topped the poll of religious groups that give to charity.

When they donated last year, atheists averaged £116, The Times reported (£).

The ICM poll found that Jewish donors gave an average of £270 per person.

Roman Catholics averaged just over £178, Christians just under £178 and Protestants £202.

According to the poll of 4,000, carried out in conjunction with the JustGiving website, nearly four in 10 atheists did not donate at all, compared to three in ten Muslims, Catholics and other Christians, nearly three in ten Protestants and more than four in ten Jewish people.



ما هو تعليقك ؟

hglsgl,k h;ev hgkhs rdhlh fhghulhg hgodvdm ,hgjw]r tn hlvd;h (]vhsm)