-* Buddha.

Who is the Buddha

Is a person whose real name was Siddhartha and his father's name Sudhodana and The family name Gautama And the name of his mother Queen Maya,His father was a king of the Kingdom of Sakya is currently in Nepal,The title of Buddha, it means Enlightened ,Siddhartha lived in the sixth century BC in northern India.

He lived in the palace, but deprives himself of luxury,He has been married in the age of sixteen-This was the age of marriage in society -Of a beautiful princess and a young name Hiasodhara, After the experience Siddhartha - Buddha - a fact of life and pain of human determination to find a solution to get out of this pain and he abandoned his kingdom after the birth of his only son "Rahola",The Buddha was the twenty-ninth years of age and later became the abandonment ascetic looking for the solution of the alleged.

At this time, the Buddha stayed away from his kingdom in the valley of the (Ganges) meet famous religious teachers taught their own curriculum, and methods,And subjected himself to ascetic practices in tough.

But these approaches and methods were not issued Buddha, heal and then left behind his back after spending six years in learning,After leaving the Buddha of traditional religions and while he is under a tree on the shore of the river Niratjara One evening,

"This tree was named after that a tree of wisdom"Siddhartha realized vigilance and enlightenment and woke up and since then called the Buddha, which means enlightened or vigilant,After waking he cast Gautama Buddha first exhortation to team of five rituals,They are friends first In the garden of deer in the Aizibatana near Benares,Since that time,During Forty-five years has taught all classes of men and women,he is Not recognizing the differences of class

Buddha did not claim that he was a god or son of god or even a messenger sent from God,Has its teachings are based on the facts It was called the Four facts
The Buddha died in Kosinara in eighty years age

-* Buddhism.
At the beginning was not the religion mainly but It is a kind of
Ideological philosophy Calls for faith in human not God,Believes that every human are expensive and important and And everyone has the capability to develop into a Buddha.

Says the Buddha in this:(No one save us but ourselves,No one is able to that No one does that,We have to the walk in the road, but the Buddhas they see the way clearly)Damapada 165 "

Buddhist Constituent Is based on four facts;

1 * The first fact is "Dokha"

That life Suffering,for you live You must to suffer, the Person can not live without the experience of suffering and experience the meaning (suffer),Through your living you hungry And thirst And sickAnd feel pain and And suffer from internal pain such as fear, loneliness, frustration, etc.

2-The second fact is "the emergence of Samudaya Dokha"

All of the suffering caused by desire,For example, when you want something do not reach to you feel frustrated
it Is suffering

3 * The third fact "Neroma stop Dokha"

That suffering can be subdue and you Can be accessed to happiness So to get rid of the command that causes suffering it Is desire,And when you arrived to this stage, it is perfect,This phase is called nirvana. Valenervana as Buddha said "Nirvana is happiness Damapada Top ..."
Is the way Leading To Conquer the suffering Or way to do that, Is through Way eight Consists of:(Full understanding, full of thought, speech full, full action, full of life, the effort fully, fully aware, the emphasis)

to be continue