فهل لو راؤوا عدم اصولية القصة كانوا وضعوها فى نسختهم؟؟؟
وضعت القصة كاملة فى متنها فالاقواس يا عزيزى تشير الى عدم وجود القصة فى بعض المخطوطات وليس لعدم اصولية النص متالفوش قواعد للنسخ النقديةوالا لقد وجدنا كل النص المسلم موجود فى نسخة ubs ووضعوا الاعداد المشكوك فى اصالتها بين اقواس

انا ما شفتش جهل بالمنظر ده قبل كده؟

The Greek New Testament — non-polytonic

Greek New Testament

This edition reproduces the Greek #### of Nestle-Aland in its 26th edition, and also in its 27th edition which is in the final stages of preparation and offers the same #### unchanged.
Bold face type is used to identify direct quotations from the Old Testament. The punctuation agrees essentially with that of the Nestle-Aland 26th and 27th editions, with the exception of certain small differences. Such differences generally have no bearing on the division of the ####.
[ ] Brackets in the #### indicate that the enclosed word, words, or parts of words may be regarded as part of the ####, but that in the present state of New Testament ####ual scholarship this cannot be taken as completely certain.
[[ ]] Double brackets in the #### indicate that the enclosed passages, which are usually rather extensive, are known not to be a part of the original ####, but an addition at a very early stage of the tradition. They are included with the #### in this way because of their antiquity and the position they have traditionally enjoyed in the church (e.g., Jn 7.53–8.11).

ترجمة الكلام اعلاه

توضح المقدمة ان الموضوع بين قوسين مزدوجين بصفة عامة معروف انه ليس جزء من النص الاصلى و لكنه اخذ فى مرحلة مبكرة جدا و

لعب دائما دور متميز فى تاريخ الكنيسة
ثم يذكر مثال على ذلك النص محل البحث نفسه اى يوحنا 7 :53 حتى 8

لسة عندك نفس تجادل بجهل وعبط تاني؟