من الموسوعة اليهودية تم ورد هذا الكلام
This word occurs in the Masoretic #### 315 times by the side of the Tetragram YHWH (310 times preceding and five times succeeding it) and 134 times without it. Originally an appellation of God, the word became a definite title, and when the Tetragram became too holy for utterance Adonai was substituted for it, so that, as a rule, the name written YHWH receives the points of Adonai and is read Adonai, except in cases where Adonai precedes or succeeds it in the ####, when it is read Elohim. The vowel-signs e, o, a, given to the Tetragrammaton in the written ####, therefore, indicate this pronunciation, Aedonai, while the form Jehovah, introduced by a Christian writer about 1520,
نظرا لقدسية الكلمة الشديدة يهوه عند اليهود تستبدل بكلمة ادوناى
تكتب يهوه وتقرا ادوناى الا اصلا لو كانت الكلمة مكتوبة نفسها ادوناى الوهيم (السيد الاله)
ومازال هناك ايضا من الموسوعة اليهودية مايؤيد كلامى
ان ادوناى وادون تعبر عن الاله وعن يهوه نفسه